
When to Know If It’s Time for Siding Replacement

When to Know If It’s Time for Siding Replacement

Siding is an essential part of a building’s structure, providing both protection from the elements as well as aesthetic appeal. As siding ages and becomes worn, however, it becomes less effective and needs to be replaced. Recognizing the signs of ineffective siding is important for homeowners to be able to plan for siding replacement before poor siding leads to more extensive damage and problems. Signs Your Home Needs New Siding Few homeowners think much about their siding, but like our own healthy skin, siding is a building’s skin that protects it from outside influences. There are many clues that may...

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Getting your Deck Ready for Spring

Getting your Deck Ready for Spring

As soon as the snow melts and the ground is somewhat thawed, it is the perfect time to start getting your deck ready for spring. This way, you can spend more time relaxing and enjoying your deck later on in the warm summer sun. Winter is often hard on decks; especially those made of all wood. It can cause any number of issues from simple dirt and debris buildup, to warping, splintering, cracking, and even collapse. The first thing to do is inspect your deck for damage. Check the floor for loose or raise boards and popped nails. See if...

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Become Your Own Contractor

Become Your Own Contractor

Part of the pride of being a homeowner is being able to customize it just the way that you want it. Many homeowners also get additional pride from knowing that they’ve done it themselves. Clearly many jobs require the skilled hands of a professional contractor; it gives the peace of mind that the job is completed the best way possible, warrantied and finished in a timely manner. However, there are many jobs around the house that, while you certainly can call a contractor, you could also do it yourself --in essence, becoming your own contractor. Painting is a good example....

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Air Tools vs Manual Tools

Air Tools vs  Manual Tools

All is not as it seems when deciding whether or not to use air or manual tools. Below, we'll discuss the key differences you should consider when deciding which to use: Speed There’s no comparison here. Air-powered tools can get the job done way faster than your manual tools can. All you need to do is consider a pneumatic nailer for roofing versus a hammer or an air gun on tires versus a ratchet or wrench. However, also know that extra speed comes with consequences. You could overshoot your target and nails from a pneumatic gun are almost impossible to...

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Renting a Portable Generator

Renting a Portable Generator

There are many reasons why one might need a portable generator. With daylight dwindling each passing day, its time to start thinking about how you’re going to have to power to light up a construction site or use certain tools. With Hurricane Matthew and other weather conditions sweeping through the land, you may also need a generator for power outages within your own home. Don’t worry we have all been there. It’s not like you’re not going to see that hurricane or snowstorm coming. Bob the weatherman would have most likely been talking about for days and if its really...

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